To: SI Palm Beaches Board

From: Carlos Banks, SIUSA Representative

Thank you for allowing me to represent Skål International Palm Beaches at the SIUSA Board Meeting and Annual Meeting. I was glad to see Bill Pullen at the NAASC Congress.

The SIUSA BOARD MEETING was held at the Hyatt Regency in Calgary, Alberta on May 11, 2005.

The Board Meeting started at 8:00 AM.

Outgoing President Jack Bogrette called the meeting to order. There was a Skål Toast and a moment of silence. The guests were introduced. Jack them made comments on the past year. He then presented a gift to Steven Elmy for all the work he has done.

Jack turned the gavel over to Incoming President, Ronny Region.

President Ronny Region presided. He made opening comments. Ronny then called for Executive Session.

The regular Board Meeting continued after the 15 minutes Executive Session

Ronny stated observers were not allowed to speak and will not be recognized, except during the observers comments and questions section.

Approval of the minutes of Board meeting February 5, 2005, was made with a correction.

Location of summer board meeting was discussed. It will be in Jacksonville, FL as part of the Region IV Congress on August 26-28, 2005.

Dennis Jacks spoke about the new Member contest for SIUSA. While this year there were no major prize, the results were the best figures.

Ronny Region stated the Manual of Instructions is being worked on and had nothing to report.

The agenda had the SIUSA Standard Constitution changes posted but was not discussed.

The SIUSA By-Laws was not on the agenda. I presented to Tom White the comments from SI Palm Beaches. The By-Laws was deferred to a later time.

Mok Singh presented the finance report. He passed out corrected financial reports to those sent out on April 13.

Bob Bader presented the 1st Quarter Financial Review.

Matanyah Hecht arrived directly from the airport and made a few brief comments about doing business among friends.

Executive Secretary-Treasurer, Dennis Jacks, presented various new certificates that will be for sale to the Clubs. The most important being new Active members. Cost are $2.00 each or $1.50 each for 10 or more purchased at time.

International Councillor, Jack Bogrette, presented his report. Jack stated we were not to use AISC in any item, except legal papers such as Statutes and By-Laws. If we had anything we are to throw it out. SI collected over 100,000 euros for the tsunami relief fund. Jack advised us some of the projects that were being done.

Jack stated Travel Insurance was approved and the criteria will be coming soon. Restaurants are on hold until the criteria can be finalized by October. Each Club can now have Young Skål members. The Life Members had a problem and will be voted on in Croatia.

Jack stated there were five candidates for Skål International Director they were (listed in order of votes received) Tony Boyle, Australia; Marianna Krohn, Germany; Enrique, Mexico; Elly Keeling, South Africa; Gustavo Paez, Equador. As they may need five candidates, everyone will be on the ballot. Also being voted on is Max Kingston as Honorary President Skål International. Charles Powers for Membre d'Honneur.

Life Member changes, while approved in Durban, are not going into effect until items can be clarified and voted on in Croatia.

V.P. Region 1, Robert Husain, presented his report.

V. P. Region 4, Thomas White, presented his report and stated he was "persona non grata" in Palm Beaches.

Tom stated the Ft. Lauderdale Club would not be functioning. (Note: I had no knowledge of this especially when I am meeting with Francis Purvey the week of May 16, 2005.)

Tom stated the Orlando Club is presenting a conference "2005 Tourism Leadership Conference" on September 22, 2005, in Orlando. Cost will be $289 for Skålleauges and $389 for non-member. For guests and spouses $189.

V.P. Region 3, Mark Hewitt, stated SI Seattle would be hosting the Princess Cruise on repositioning cruise from Vancouver to Los Angeles on September 17-20, 2005. Price is from $299.00 plus tax.

Mark reported on the B2B and about possibly revamping the concept. The committee is trying come up for plans for the NAASC Cruise.

V.P. Region 5, Jeff Penner, presented his report.

Richard Haymaker presented the Region 2 report. He spoke about the B2B in Chicago last January.

V.P. Region 2, Lou Conkling, added to the report.

V.P. Region 6, Albert Schmid, presented his report.

Bob Bader presented the final report for Region VII.

Observer comments and questions section was opened.

I presented that we received the Agenda, SIUSA By-Laws and Financial Reports on April 13, 2005. The Board stated it was posted in the SIUSA web site on March 19, 2005.

The proposed SIUSA By-Laws was discussed. A couple of the comments from SI Palm Beaches were considered and approved.

The Board went into Executive Session. I was asked to stay. Only the officers and Matanyah Hecht stayed. The Regional V.P.s were dismissed.

SIUSA REGION IV MEETING was held on May 13, 2005, in Calgary, Alberta.

V. P. Region 4, Thomas White presiding. Nothing of importance that was not covered in the SIUSA Board meeting was discussed.

The SIUSA major officers visited the meeting. I requested what was the status of Retired Members. Unfortunately the V. P. Region 4 would not let the visitors speak. I was advised by Jack Bogrette that Retired was still on hold. He also advised me that if an Active Member retires and must work that he is not eligible to remain in Skål.

SIUSA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING was held on May 14, 2005, in Calgary, Alberta.

Outgoing President Jack Bogrette welcomed everyone. He made some comments.

Jack installed SIUSA President, Ronny Region. He then made comments of acceptance.

Pinning continued of outgoing, those going up and incoming Board Members.

The assembly was advised that Bill Sweet was elected as an Honorary Ex-offio Member of the SIUSA Board. FYI, this was not done at the SIUSA Board Meeting.

At 9:40 AM President Ronny Region called the working session to order.

Dennis Jacks stated the agenda was in error and that the voting on the proposed SIUSA Standard Constitution should have been SIUSA By-Laws.

The members voted on the proposed SIUSA By-Laws with changes presented at the SIUSA Board Meeting. The SIUSA By-Laws changes were approved with changes. The Assembly was not advised of the proposed changes made at the SIUSA Board Meeting.

Dennis Jacks spoke about membership.

San Francisco was named "SIUSA Club of the Year".

Vice President Finance, Mok Singh presented the financial report for 2004 and budgets for 2005 and 2006. Mok showed the report had minor errors, which did not change the results. The financial report and budgets were approved.

Sherry Johnson gave the Auditors Report. Approved.

International Councillor, Jack Bogrette, presented his report.

A situation about James Pelusso from SI Atlanta was placed on the agenda and presented in generalities. There was no real discussion or business discussed concerning this item.

In closing, Calgary presented an excellent Congress. My hats off to all the members of Calgary!

Respectfully submitted,

Respectfully submitted,

Carlos R. Banks
SIUSA Representative